wading in shallow water

This is where I've spent most of my life--until now

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

I should be writing. I mean, real writing. I have short stories and poetry unfinished or in need of editing, or waiting to be started.

I can't write. I have other things on my mind. Taxes are due. I have to thaw something for dinner. I have to read a magazine or hang a curtain rod or patch some holes in the wall. There are bills to be paid and dogs that need play. I could finish the laundry, complete numerous projects or just watch the birds at the feeders.

It is one of those days I can't even open my laptop because the screen is too black and I have nothing to say. I could prompt write. I could free write. I could write someting but I'm not even going to try.

What I need is quite. I want the dogs to sleep. I want the world to pretend I don't exist. No phones, no humming of the laptop. It is warm in my house and the sun is shining. My family is healthy and safe. I am ok.

I have always needed quite. It is where I find inspiration; where I converse with my muse. Sometimes wonderful things transpire. Other times, nothing. But because it is part of my creative process, I won't feel guilty about the times nothing happens.

The picture on this page was taken on Monhegan Island, Maine. I had gotten up much earlier than hubby because I was needing quite time, and I knew I could get it at 5:00 in the morning in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean as the sun inched its way into the sky. I found my quite. I took my camera and a notebook. I wanted to capture the quite time. Keep it quite.

I still have the pictures and notes and I have begun, after 7 months, to put the experience into perspective and into a story. It isn't a story yet...it is still being born.

I always thought I was a slow writer. I'm not slow, its my process. I am in love with the process of writing, of creating. I can extract a single sentence from a story I have written and take it with me, just the sentence, and sit with it, think about it. How will my reader like it? Will it help them understand? Will it stir emotion? What about this title? Why this ending? Would a different POV better serve the story? If it is a poem, I worry about how it looks on the page.

Once finished, I am unable to let my work go. Despite authors such as Stu Dybek telling me I have work that should be submitted, I can't. Like children, I'm not always sure my work is ready for the world. Or maybe I'm not ready for the world. I sometimes have doubts that I will ever be a successful writer. I worry about whether my writing is good enough for the reader.

Today, above my desk, I posted the words of Lan Samantha Chang. She is a fiction writer and the new director of the U of Iowa's Writers' Workshop.

Here are her words:
"'It's important to be patient and to always keep in mind that good writing is more important than achieving rapid success as a writer. The best writing reveals the texture and the depth of the consciousness that wrote it and that can take a long time.'"

Today, I feel validated. Tomorrow, I'll write. In a few months, maybe I'll submit.


Blogger 10-8-ious said...

I look forward to the "submit" part -- I hope you will submit here too. I was so geeked when you started this blog site, 'cause I thought FINALLY we would get to read something of yours. But, alais, we are waiting on your "process".

Everyone needs to nest - I recently blogged about it myself. Nesting is not a luxery unless its over-indulged, in general it is a necessity!

Enjoy your nest today. (But tomorrow, get back to writing, damn it!)

10:41 AM  
Blogger shortstory said...

I am not very versed on internet copywrite so I hesitate to put any real work here. But sometimes talking about writing motivates me. And sometimes putting things out there in this form helps me to see readers reactions.

12:08 PM  
Blogger Ginger said...

I understand your "process" thing SS, I need quiet too - and a clean environment, so before I can get working on an article or a painting I have to clean my office/workspace, and sometimes that derails me from the start.

I used to take an evening every few weeks where I lit some candles, put on some music, pulled out my sketch book and just wrote or drew whatever came to me...I came up with some great ideas that way.

I've got a new painting percolating in my head right now, but I'll have to clean up my office before I get going on it and THAT is going to be a big job... do you find that you have to be in a "clean" environment before you can work?

6:59 AM  

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